速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Via Porpora 14 20131 Milano Italy

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖1)-速報App

Kids is an app to help you make sure that your children are safe both in the real and digital worlds. You can see their location and set "secure areas" (geofences) to receive alerts if your child enters or exits the area, and you can also see detailed statistics on their apps usage.

Kids is included in your Cerberus account, so if you have a subscription license just install the app and log in with your credentials.

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖2)-速報App

For new users Kids is free for one week, then you can purchase a subscription that includes also our other services for the protection of your phone and family: Phone Security (Antitheft) and Personal Safety (Persona)

Install the app on your device, open it, create your Cerberus account if you do not have one and set your phone as a parent device. Then install Kids on your child's device as well, open it and follow the instructions to set it up. Open again the app on your device and you will see a list of your children's devices.

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖3)-速報App

Select a device and you will see three sections:

- Statistics: here you have daily, weekly and monthly data on apps usage. Select an app to see detailed information on hourly app usage

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖4)-速報App

- Location: check your child's location, tapping it you can quickly get directions to the address

- Secure Area: set secure areas (geofences) to receive notifications when your child enters or exits them. You can set the secure area to be active only at specific hours, so for instance you can receive a notification if your child goes out of the school area during school hours.

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖5)-速報App

You can also set the app to notify you if your children remove the permissions required for Kids to get the location and app usage data.

If you have any questions, feature requests or experience any issues, contact us at support@cerberusapp.com and we will be happy to help!

Cerberus Child Safety (Kids)(圖6)-速報App